Senior – Hydrogeologist | Newcastle
Dr Michael Thoma
Michael has moved to Newcastle from Oregon in the United States, where he has been working as a Senior Hydrogeologist and Assistant Groundwater Manager for the state of Oregon since 2014. Prior to this, Michael was at Boise State University undertaking his PhD in Geosciences, which he completed in 2013.
Michael’s dissertation, “Estimating Unsaturated Flow Properties in Coarse Conglomeratic Sediment”, included planning and implementing a 24-hour infiltration test to collect data on soil moisture and soil tension. Ground penetrating radar and resistivity data were also collected and used to develop HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS-2D models and optimization routines which were used to estimate unsaturated-zone soil properties.
Michael will be working on and managing a range of projects including groundwater impact assessments, annual reviews and fieldwork programs.
Outside of work, Michael’s interests include kayaking and hiking with his partner and their dog.
Michael hopes in our future that we will accept that we live on a planet that is not infinite and that we will adjust our actions to reflect that, and embrace the technology available to support the expanding human population.