WA Regional Manager | Senior – Hydrogeologist | Perth
James Barratt
James has several years’ experience in South Africa, across Africa and in Australia delivering groundwater modelling, field data collection and analysis, hydrogeochemical investigations, and mine dewatering and water management strategies. At AGE, James specialises in groundwater modelling, including the simulation of open cut and underground mining, modelling to fulfil requirements of environmental authorisations and protection orders, as well as modelling and reporting for pre- and feasibility studies. His prior experience includes desktop and gap studies, hydrogeochemical data analysis and interpretation, modelling with FEFLOW, fieldwork planning and implementation, and management of multidisciplinary projects.
James loves the great assortment of like-minded people who are inquisitive and innovative at AGE. Outside of work, James enjoys watching pretty much any sport and is a fan of analysing each team’s strengths and weaknesses.
His future hope is to see a world where the importance of water is not only highlighted during periods of drought, but during periods of flood as well.