Our AGE team was originally involved at Kidston to undertake groundwater aspect for the site closure strategy.
More recently, we have been involved in looking at the use of the Kidston pit (Eldridge and Wises) voids as balancing storages in a hydro-electric scheme.
The work was undertaken for Entura Hydro Tasmania for their client Genex Power.
Entura Hydro Tasmania on behalf of Genex Power
Kidston: groundwater site closure strategy
Groundwater modelling, hydrogeochemistry
The model development involved updating the previous model generated for the site to MODFLOW SURFACT.
This steady state model was then used to assess operational constraints (water levels in the pits) to see if there were potential impacts to the surrounding groundwater regime.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
Cadia mine is an operating gold and copper mine located south of Orange in central NSW highlands. We have enjoyed a long relationship with Cadia mine, assisting with groundwater aspects of approvals and operations. We were first engaged in 2006 to prepare a groundwater assessment for the Cadia East project and the mine is now the largest underground gold mine in Australia.
A key challenge during model development at the site was to strike a balance between representing the highly complex geology and providing a useful and practical tool for assessing groundwater.
Cadia Mine
Cadia East: groundwater assessment
Groundwater modelling, field services (installing regional monitoring network)
Groundwater modelling was used to estimate changes in the groundwater regime from dewatering activities, particularly in relation to existing groundwater users and nearby baseflow fed streams.
Since this time, we have continued to assist with operational work at Cadia including validating and updating the groundwater model and installing a regional monitoring network.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
We were commissioned to calibrate an existing groundwater model to predict groundwater impacts associated with the OB31 project. We calibrated the model using singular value decomposition and shuffled-complex evolution techniques to derive the best possible calibration statistics. A non-linear uncertainty analysis was undertaken using GLUE, DREAM, and null-space Monte Carlo methods.
In addition, we were commissioned to develop a simplified ‘child’ model from a complex regional ‘parent’ model to assess potential groundwater impacts associated with the South Flank Project. We calibrated the model using PEST and performed a linear predictive analysis to determine which parameters and observations were reducing the uncertainty of groundwater drawdown and pit dewatering rates.
A non-linear GLUE uncertainty analysis was performed to assess the complex parameter interactions expected at upper and lower values for the aquifer and recharge parameters.
OB31 & South Flank: uncertainty analysis
Groundwater modelling
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
We were engaged by Kimberley Metals Pty Ltd to assist with a pre-feasibility study to develop the Sorby Hills lead, silver, zinc deposit in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. The deposit was first investigated in the late 1970s and early 1980s when a decline encountered large groundwater inflows.
Kimberley Metals Pty Ltd
Sorby Hills: pre-feasibility study
Field services, approvals & licensing
We designed an investigation program to gain an understanding of pit dewatering issues and options.
Our fieldwork included test pumping trials and to determine dewatering requirements for the proposed mine development. The work was also used to support the submission to the Department of Water – Western Australia as part of the project approvals process.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
We have had a long standing relationship with U&D Mining (Australia) Pty Ltd and on the Meteor Downs South Project since 2012. Our initial work on the central Queensland project involved a review of an existing groundwater impact assessment for the proposed open-cut coal mine.
We undertook a gap analysis of the report and highlighted to the client a significant risk in the approvals process relating to groundwater. We were then commissioned to assist with the development of robust groundwater assessment to specifically address key risks in gaining approval for a mining lease. To do this, we successfully negotiated the use of an existing numerical groundwater model for a nearby project that covered the same area. The numerical model was modified to include the Meteor Downs South Project and to explore potential groundwater impacts.
U&D Mining
Meteor Downs South: groundwater assessment
Approvals & licensing, field services, groundwater modelling, groundwater supply
Once conditional approval of the mining lease was granted, we were engaged to support the make good agreement with a nearby stakeholder. We conducted field investigations including the design, installation and testing of a groundwater monitoring network to validate the numerical model predictions and assumptions. This resulted in the successful negotiation of the make good agreement between our client and the external stakeholder.
Separate to this work, we managed the baseline data collection for the site. We conducted routine monthly groundwater monitoring over 12 months to finalise the draft Environmental Authority conditions relating to the development of groundwater trigger levels. The baseline data collection and trigger levels were also used to support the formulation of a Groundwater Monitoring and Management Plan to satisfy state and federal approval conditions. We provided further assistance in liaising with the state and commonwealth to ensure approval of the document.
Our work for U&D Mining has continued through the approval process and we have recently been engaged to assist in securing a groundwater supply for construction purposes and early stages of mine development.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
The Ashton coal mine is located approximately 14 km west of Singleton in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales and comprises an active underground mine and a decommissioned open cut. The mine targets the Whittingham Coal Measures of the Sydney Basin.
We were engaged to conduct a range of hydrogeological services. We’ve also worked with Yancoal to improve the efficiency of systems for groundwater data collection and storage to ensure environmental approval commitments are met.
Yancoal Australia Limited
Ashton Coal Mine: groundwater monitoring
Groundwater monitoring, field services, updating groundwater flow model, reporting for regulatory compliance
We supported Yancoal across a range of hydrogeological services, including:
We’ve worked with Yancoal to improve the efficiency of systems for groundwater data collection and storage to ensure environmental approval commitments are met.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
Ernest Henry Mining Pty Ltd is an operating open cut and underground gold-copper mine located 40 km north-east of Cloncurry.
We have had a long standing relationship with Ernest Henry and our team has worked at the site since 1999. We’ve been a reliable and trusted partner for the technical services and environment team at Ernest Henry, providing flexible resources to achieve the required objectives in a timely manner.
Ernest Henry Mining Pty Ltd
Ernest Henry Mine: groundwater modelling and monitoring
Field services, groundwater modelling
Work to date has included:
We have also been involved with the satellite Mt Margaret Mine and Monakoff sites conducting borefield performance review reports, final void assessments and trigger level compliance.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
The Eastern Leases project was a proposed open cut manganese mine located on Groote Eylandt, in the Northern Territory. The project was unique due to the cultural and spiritual significance associated with surface water features. We were engaged to complete a groundwater impact assessment to form part of the project’s Environmental Impact Statement.
We were also subsequently engaged directly by South 32 Limited to supervise the drilling and installation of production bores for the purposes of water supply.
Hansen Bailey on behalf of South32 Limited
Eastern Leases project: groundwater impact assessment
Field services, conceptual modelling, numerical modelling
The groundwater impact assessment involved:
Following this project, South 32 Limited engaged us directly to supervise the drilling and installation of production bores for the purposes of water supply.
The field program had a project schedule that required rapid mobilisation and 24 hour shifts. The work also included constant rate pumping tests and analysis of the results to determine yield. As one of Australia’s largest specialist groundwater consultants, we were able to provide the necessary staff and support they required for this project.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
The Mt Arthur coal mine is an open-cut coal mine located approximately 6 km south-west of Muswellbrook, in New South Wales. The project occurs within the Sydney Basin and targets the Wittingham Coal Measures.
We have enjoyed a long-term relationship with Mt Arthur mine assisting with various groundwater related issues and assessments.
Resource Strategies on behalf of Hunter Valley Energy Coal Pty Ltd
Mt Arthur coal mine: groundwater impact assessment
Field services, approvals & licensing
Part of this work has included a groundwater impact assessment for Resource Strategies on behalf of Hunter Valley Energy Coal Pty Ltd.
In addition, we have been engaged directly by Mt Arthur Coal to plan and implement an upgrade to the existing groundwater monitoring network. This includes vibrating wire piezometer and monitoring bore installation, hydraulic testing and bore remediation works.
We have also completed routine reporting to address conditions of mine approval, which includes annual groundwater reviews and trigger investigations.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.
The Elimatta Coal project was a proposed open-cut coal mine located approximately 40 km south-west of Taroom, in Queensland. The project occurs within the Surat Basin and targets the Walloon Coal Measures. We were engaged to complete a groundwater impact assessment to form part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The groundwater impact assessment involved the development of a groundwater monitoring plan and review of historic data in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the hydrogeological regime for development of the conceptual groundwater model. Based on this work, a numerical groundwater model was developed to simulate natural groundwater processes and replicate system stresses, in order to predict potential changes due to the project.
AARC on behalf of on behalf of Northern Energy Corporation
Elimatta Coal project: groundwater impact assessment
Field services, conceptual groundwater modelling, numerical groundwater modelling
The outcomes included:
We were subsequently engaged to update the groundwater impact assessment to include cumulative impacts from emergent coal seam gas operations.
Our team’s expertise is in groundwater modelling, field services, approvals and licensing, water supply, contaminant investigation, expert advisory, and hydrogeochemistry. Learn more about our services by clicking the link below.